Monday, September 28, 2009

Super Short Review: The Web Issue 1

So, I started reading the Web, DC's new revival of the Archie hero. I have to say it's incredibly generic. The story continues on from the J. Michael Stransinski penned one shot that re-introduced the character. Unfortunately, it has lost the touches that made the revamped character interesting.
The JMS one-shot was about a celebrity obsessed super hero who screws up and gets his brother killed. At the end, the Web had decided to make the effort to become a real hero despite the fact that he is not a very good person. The idea is that he is not quite a hero but he's working at it. In addition, he has a unique viral marketing approach to fighting crime; he advertises his services on the Internet and, according to the writers, will be franchising out his super-hero identity to other people.
Unfortunately, none of this comes through in the first issue. Indeed, the Web spend most of the issue searching for his brother's killer. While this is an important plot arc, it dominates the issues to the point of squeezing out any of the character's more interesting facets. In the end, the Web comes off as less of his own character and more like an imprudently dressed Batman.

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